We Can Help You Keep Your Lawn Looking Gorgeous

Arrange for lawn maintenance services in the Cheshire, CT area

The secret to a healthy lawn is mowing the grass on a regular basis, keeping the weeds at bay and ensuring that the soil is supplied with nutrients. Patriots Landscapers of Cheshire, CT provides comprehensive lawn maintenance services, so you can turn to us for help cultivating a lush, green lawn.

We can stop by weekly or biweekly to mow and edge your lawn. Once we finish, we'll use a leaf blower to remove the grass clippings from your sidewalk. Call 860-716-7851 now to schedule routine lawn mowing services.

We'll test the soil in April

Mowing lawns in the Cheshire, CT area isn't the only way we promote the healthy growth of grass. We can also balance the pH of your soil starting in the spring.

When April rolls around, we'll swing by to...

  • Take multiple samples of your soil for testing
  • Determine if the soil is acidic, alkaline or neutral
  • Come up with a plan to improve your soil conditions

Reach out today to learn more about our approach to lawn maintenance.

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